Program Stories

Deonna thrived in afterschool because of Unleashing Potential's philosophy to include social-emotional learning in our curriculum

How Social-Emotional Learning Helped Deonna Come Out of Her Shell

Program: After School

When Deonna first entered Unleashing Potential’s before- and after-care as a second grader, she felt a little scared. She already knew a few of the kids, but she didn’t know any of the adults. That was ok, though, because Unleashing Potential has social-emotional learning built into our curriculum that helped her come out of her shell.

Ms. Shawnica, Ms. Zoe and Mr. Benny were ready to offer her plenty of support. Ms. Shawnica would help her with her homework if there was something she didn’t understand. Mr. Benny would cheer her up whenever she felt upset. And Ms. Zoe would give her hugs if she asked.

Ms. Zoe and Deonna worked out a system together: Deonna could receive a hug at the beginning and end of the day, and any time in-between. But she had to ask each time.

This is one way Deonna was particularly able to connect in the program. Because she is “lovey-dovey all the time” according to Ms. Zoe, this helped to feel comforted and safe.

Unleashing Potential’s afterschool philosophy includes social-emotional learning: Pay attention to and meet every child’s individual needs, and help them to feel supported so that they are more open and receptive to the opportunities being presented through the Unleashing Potential program.

This philosophy has helped Deonna open up. She loves afterschool now, especially the activities, like drumline and dance and even nutrition class, where she got to try a cucumber (she didn’t like the cucumber though; it tasted too sour).

*Actual student/name has been changed to protect child’s identity

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